Change Name
- Photocopy of Marriage Contract
- Photocopy of Death Certificate
- Photocopy of Valid ID with three (3) specimen signatures
Additional requirements if thru a Representative
- Special Power of Attorney (SPA) or Notarized Authorization
- Photocopy of valid ID of the representative with three (3) specimen signatures which shall be valid only for a period of six (6) months from date of issuance
- Authorized Representative must be nearest kin of the Applicant
- Attendance to PMOS (Pre-Membership Orientation Seminar. You may view the PMOS AVP via our official YouTube account ‒Iloilo1 Electric Cooperative, Inc. in lieu of your physical attendance. Kindly submit your attendance thru google form link provided in the description box of the video.
- Duly filled-up and signed Application for Service Connection (ASC) and Electric Service Contract (ESC)
- Notarized Waiver for Change of Account Name
- Photocopies of valid IDs w/ (3) specimen signatures of
the current account holder
- Photocopy of Death Certificate (if both account holder and account holder’s spouse are deceased)
If applicant is SINGLE:
- CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage)/Live Birth Certificate
- Photocopy of valid ID w/ (3) specimen signatures
- Latest 2×2 ID picture (one piece only)
- Photocopy of marriage contract
- Photocopies of valid IDs w/ (3) specimen signatures
- Latest 2×2 ID picture (husband & wife – one piece each only)
Additional Requirements for WIDOW/WIDOWER
- Death Certificate of Spouse
- Proof of Ownership:
- Latest Land Title/ Notarized Deed of Absolute Sale/ Contract to Sell/Tax Declaration/Latest Tax Receipt/Deed of Donation
- Successors: Proof of Succession/Affidavit of Heirship with Consent/Permit to Occupy
- Notarized Affidavit of Consent/Permit to Occupy
-Photocopy of valid ID w/ (3) specimen signatures of the lot owner/successor/the living heir
- Tenants of Privately-owned Premises:
-Lease Contract/any notarized authorization showing right to occupy
- Informal Settlers of Gov’t.-owned Properties:
-Notarized right to occupy signed by the head of the agency
Additional Requirements for Subdivision
- Notarized certification from the developer that the applicant/s is/are the new and lawful owner/s
of the unit / Notarized Affidavit
Additional Requirements for Barangay Power Association (BAPA)
- BAPA Certification
Additional Requirements for Commercial/Corporation /Juridical
- Board Resolution/Barangay Resolution
- Photocopies of valid IDs w/ (3) specimen signatures of the ff.
–President of the Company/ Head of Office
–Corporate Secretary, and
–Authorized Representative
- Business Permit/Barangay Permit
- SEC Registration/CDA Registration
- Franchise Agreement
- Bill Guarantee Deposit (based on the average monthly consumption; for new owner and delinquent account)
- Membership fee of Php 5.00 for new member, and Php 50.00 for existing member (Php 100.00 for commercial/juridical accounts)
- Unpaid power bills and surcharges (if any)
Submission of requirements does not guarantee the approval should any questions arise from any party